Monthly Archives: November 2021

Explaining Cybersecurity Audits (And the Three Tips for Running One)

You need more than the latest antivirus software to ensure your company’s network is secure. A cybersecurity audit helps you create a complete picture of your security strategy.Cybercrime has grown into one of the epidemics of modern times. In 2018 alone, we saw 812.67 million instances of malware infection. Meanwhile, 2020 brought with it a 600% [...]

By |2024-04-17T10:27:46+01:00November 30th, 2021|Cybersecurity|Comments Off on Explaining Cybersecurity Audits (And the Three Tips for Running One)

How Xero Improved Productivity with a Digital Communication Tool (And Five More Technologies You Can Use to Boost Office Productivity)

Higher office productivity leads to faster project completion and happier customers. With these technological solutions, you empower your people to work more efficiently.When a company scales to the point where it has millions of customers spread over 180 countries, effective internal communication is a priority. It’s an even bigger concern when that company helps small [...]

By |2024-04-17T10:27:40+01:00November 25th, 2021|Productivity|Comments Off on How Xero Improved Productivity with a Digital Communication Tool (And Five More Technologies You Can Use to Boost Office Productivity)

Working From Home – The Six Simple Ways to Stay Healthy When You’re No Longer Commuting

With the continuing shift towards remote working, health is an ongoing concern. Find out how to stay healthy even when you’re working from home.The global pandemic resulted in many workplaces implementing work-from-home policies. In doing so, many of these workplaces have discovered that there are benefits to providing employees with the option of doing their [...]

By |2024-04-17T10:27:38+01:00November 20th, 2021|Working from Home|Comments Off on Working From Home – The Six Simple Ways to Stay Healthy When You’re No Longer Commuting

5 Biggest Questions About Windows 11 Answered

Microsoft’s latest operating system is starting to take the world by storm. But before jumping ship and upgrading to the new OS, better read this first.It’s finally here. After six years, Microsoft has just released the latest version of its operating system — Windows 11.At a time when computers and technology play a more central role [...]

By |2024-04-17T10:27:35+01:00November 15th, 2021|Microsoft|Comments Off on 5 Biggest Questions About Windows 11 Answered

The Five Steps for Creating a Business Continuity Plan

How will your business respond when faced with an unexpected situation? With a business continuity plan, you’ll know exactly what steps to take.Leading a small business is a challenging endeavor.According to a January 2021 article published by Entrepreneur, 20% of small businesses fail within their first year of operation. And a staggering 50% fail within [...]

By |2024-04-17T10:27:32+01:00November 10th, 2021|Business Continuity|Comments Off on The Five Steps for Creating a Business Continuity Plan

Seven Ways to Maximize Cloud Solutions for Your Small Business

Cloud computing has been front and centre of the global shift to remote working. Find out how you can maximize this technology for your small business.The onset of the COVID-19 pandemic rendered many business practices obsolete.Face-to-face brainstorming sessions… Team building activities… Even the entire concept of the office… But the global crisis also accelerated the adoption of certain [...]

By |2024-04-17T10:27:28+01:00November 5th, 2021|Cloud|Comments Off on Seven Ways to Maximize Cloud Solutions for Your Small Business
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