Cyber Security
Our industry-leading cyber security services can help protect your business, no matter how big or small.
Why is cyber security important?
With so many challenges associated with cyber security, it’s easy to see why some businesses are unsure whether to invest.
Common perceptions include “it doesn’t affect us” or “we don’t have the budget”, but this is a global priority, and it’s more important than ever.
It’s particularly relevant for SMEs, who make up over 40% of cyber crime victims. Cyber criminals often believe they’re vulnerable to attacks because they don’t have the knowledge or expertise to know what’s happening within their own network.
So what’s at risk? Cyber attacks pose a huge threat to business continuity, with a loss of data and productivity. Attacks are costly – in fact, cyber crime is predicted to cost companies £6 trillion worldwide by 2021.* GDPR regulations also mean you risk hefty fines if you’re not compliant, not to mention the negative publicity and poor relations with customers.
With a constantly changing environment, and attacks becoming more frequent and sophisticated, it’s crucial that your business is fully equipped to deal with cyber threats.
* Cybersecurity Ventures 2017 Annual Cybercrime Report
Security Solutions
IT security has never been as important as it is today. With hacking tools now widely available, new and more dangerous Malware created daily, businesses need to take every precaution to protect themselves from external as well as internal threats. The Yorkshire Tech team focus on an array of IT security services.
With over twenty years experience of defining and implementing IT security policies, Yorkshire Tech is an IT partner that you can trust to deal with such crucial concerns on your behalf; Specialising in the threats and security issues faced by small and medium-sized businesses in today’s world.
Data Security Services
As a business’s methods to access IT networks and critical data becomes easier and more varied so do the potential threats and issues they risk. Without expert knowledge of how these systems link together and how threats come into your business a security solution may not be effective. The irony is that as we provide better access for employees (to work remotely, for example), we also create the need for more sophisticated security solutions, systems and policies.
In parallel, it is getting easier for employees to copy and remove sensitive data, online or via simple USB drives and similar, highly portable media. Our in-depth experience ensures that we understand the evolving nature of such threats, and – just as importantly – that we understand how best to protect clients from new threats as they arise.
Why Work With Us

Security as a Service (SaaS)
We work with our clients to ensure they have best of breed security technology in place – that’s fully managed and running smoothly to uncover security threats occurring right across your network.

24×7 network monitoring
Our industry-leading security systems monitors your network 24×7. They intelligently identifiy anomalous user behaviour, unusual or suspicious activity, configuration changes, and threats caused by internal and external vulnerabilities.

Protecting you on all fronts
We monitor and review your network security daily, making sure you’ve always got 360° protection from internal and external threats.

Remediating threats & vulnerabilities
We’ll detect and investigate any incidents straight away if it’s an immediate threat, or report back to you with actionable intelligence before making a remediation plan.